Muesli can be considered a convenience food and is easy to make. Just mix the desired ingredients in a bowl. Pour in milk and you’re ready to eat. A simple example of how to make muesli. Start with ⅓ cup of instant oatmeal. Followed by 1 sliced banana, 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds, 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds, and add milk, yogurt or your favorite beverage. Stir well and eat. Or you can soak it overnight to make it easier to eat UFABET
Soaking muesli overnight or for several hours may help your body get more nutrients. This is because some grains and nuts contain anti-nutritional substances. (Antinutrients) are components. This substance may reduce the absorption of other nutrients. But if you soak muesli with milk or heat the muesli, it may reduce the level of this substance.

In addition to these raw materials You may add other ingredients you like, such as fresh fruits, dried fruits, and various nuts, or you may change the type of drink. To increase health benefits and adjust the nutrients in muesli to meet each person’s goals. You may follow the following tips.
- Choose low-fat or fat-free milk and yogurt. For those who want to control their fat intake.
- Choose plant-based milk instead if you are allergic to cow’s milk or have lactose intolerance.
- Choose freshly squeezed fruit juice instead of ready-made fruit juice to reduce the amount of sugar from flavoring. Choosing freshly squeezed fruit juice may also add nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants to your meal.
- Add natural sweetness instead of high sugar drinks by adding fresh fruit. Or you can use a small amount of honey and some spices.